Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » February
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Bill Crystal wants to do the Oscars again!?!
February 24th, 2009 under Billy Crystal, Oscars. [ Comments: 2 ]

Fox News is reporting that Billy Crystal is ready to return as the host to the Oscars next year!!! I don’t care what the Academy has to do to get him back, but please do it! He is the best living Oscar host out there and they so need him back!!! No one since he started is a 1/4 as good as him and no matter what changes they make it won’t make up for much if you don’t have a good host like Billy Crystal! Not that Hugh Jackman was that bad, but he was no Billy!!!


The CW picks up 6 shows for next season!!!
February 24th, 2009 under The CW. [ Comments: 1 ]

On the night of the season (hopefully not series) finale of Privileged, The CW has announced that they are picking up 6 shows for next season according to TV Week!!!

“Smallville,” the series renewed for next season are “Gossip Girl,” “90210,” “America’s Next Top Model” (cycles 13 and 14), “One Tree Hill” and “Supernatural.” While the solid ratings for all six shows made pickups likely, the renewals were not all foregone conclusions.

None of the pick ups surprise me, but I am glad that they were announced early because I always hate waiting until to May to find out if One Tree Hill and Supernatural will be returning for another season!!! But I will have to wait until to May to find out the fates for Privileged, Reaper and Everybody Hates Chris. Hopefully at least one of them will be back!!!


So You Think You Can Dance will be back on 5/21!
February 24th, 2009 under SYTYCD. [ Comments: 5 ]

There are two things I like most about American Idol ending its season on May 20th! The first is that it is finally over, but the better reason is because the next night (5/21) So You Think You Can Dance is back!!! I personally prefer SYTYCD way over AI! I love to watch the dances that they do! Some of them will stay with you forever because they are so beautiful and well choreographed! And now that dancers from SYTCD are graduating to Dancing with the Stars, it is making more excited for both shows!!!
BTW just because SYTYCD announced their return date, that doesn’t mean they are done with auditions. If you want show off your moves on the next SYTYCD and be the next SEX than checkout the SYTYCD casting page for more info!!!


BTWF bands: Michael Bolton in Blackjack
February 24th, 2009 under Before They Were Famous, Michael Bolton. [ Comments: 1 ]

(1:30 in)

Before Michael Bolton was crooning out Adult Contemporary songs, he was rocking with the band Blackjack as Michael Bolotin. Can you believe that 26 year old rocker in 1979 is the same singer we know today…especially with that hair. And I am embarrassed to admit it, but I actually like his metal tunes!!! But I will deny that if anyone asks!!!

SOW note: Hey guys, I need your help with Before They Were Famous! I think it is a lot of fun to see celebs before we knew them doing commercials, music videos, TV guest appearances, game show contestants, Soap Operas or bit parts in movies! I am trying my best to find as many of them on my own, but I need your help!!! So if you see them or know of any, can you please E-Mail me at [email protected]!!! I hope they are as fun for you as they are for me!!!


Please watch the season finale of Privileged, so it wont be the series one
February 24th, 2009 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight is the season finale of The CW’s Privileged at 9p and if not enough people watch it the show will not be back next season. This show is refreshing because it is not like everything else on TV. It is also well written and the cast has such great chemistry and most importantly it makes you feel good even though sometimes they take on serious issues! So check out this darling of a show that should come back for a second season tonight on The CW at 9p! Plus the President is talking on the other nets and those things are boring unlike Privileged!!!


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