Ricardo Montalban passed away today at the age of 88. Whether you remember him from his movie musical days or as Mr Roarke on Fantasy Island or as Khan in Star Trek 2 he will live on in those movies and in our hearts for those roles.
Now Tattoo and him are together again helping those who want to live out their fantasies to do so in the ultimate Fantasy Island.
For the next few weeks General Hospital is going to be such an adrenaline ride on ABC we might actually have to check in to General Hospital ourselves!
Today Carly throws a fundraiser at the wrong place (GH) at the wrong time. Tomorrow the show starts off with Dr Patrick Drake desperately trying to stop a surgery on a mystery patient and as his pleads go unheard, GH turns the clock back 9 hours (for the next 9 days) and we get to see all that lead up to that heart-pounding moment! But once we are caught up (on January 28th) no one in Port Charles is safe and not everyone will make it to the end of the crisis. I wonder who is going to die, but one other thing we do know is that Natasha Livingston is alive not as Emily Quatermaine but as a new person Rebecca…
Seriously if that promo is any hint how amazing General Hospital is going to be over the next weeks, I am going to need to watch the show with a heart monitor and Jason Thompson aka Dr Patrick Drake at my side just in case!!! So make sure to tune in General Hospital starting today on ABC for a storyline that will leave you thankful soaps are on 5 days a weeks!!!
Before Simon Cowell was judging American Idol and coming up with shows like X Factor and America’s Got Talent, he was actually a contestant on the game show Sale of the Century in The UK! Nice to see he hasn’t changed, he was always the full-of-himself Simon we see on AI and such and that is why we love him! But the best part of that 1989 game show appearance is his hair. What is up with that thing?
I would so love to watch Ryan Seacrest, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson critique his performance on the show. You know they would rip him a new one!
SOW note: Hey guys, I need your help with Before They Were Famous! I think it is a lot of fun to see celebs before we knew them doing commercials, music videos, TV guest appearances, game show contestants, Soap Operas or bit parts in movies! I am trying my best to find as many of them on my own, but I need your help!!! So if you see them or know of any, can you please E-Mail me at [email protected]!!! I hope they are as fun for you as they are for me!!!
Poor Ryan Seacrest is not having a good week. First on Sunday he was dissed on the red carpet by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on live TV. Now he was shown trying to high five a blind man who made it through to Hollywood on American Idol. All that bleaching and fake tanning is starting to affect him. Poor Ryan, I still like him even though Brangelina doesn’t!
BTW I thought last night was a bore except for that moment and the new Judge is just as I expected…useless. Hopefully it will get better tonight on Fox at 8p when they go to Kansas City.
Jackie Chan is very close to teaching Jaden Smith how to wax on wax off in the new Karate Kid movie according to The Hollywood Reporter. While I think his casting is a good move, I stilll think the movie is a bad idea. It doesn't really sound like the original, so I just don't understand why they don't just do it as a karate movie instead of clinging on to the Karate Kid name.