Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2008 » December
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Excercise is so easy a monkey and a dog can do it!
December 26th, 2008 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

Well at least a monkey can do it! OMG! Is that not the cutest thing? It just warmed my heart and stomach because I am off to do sit-ups!!!
xoxo Hena!!!


BTWF ads: Sarah Michelle Gellar for Burger King!
December 25th, 2008 under Before They Were Famous, Fast Food. [ Comments: 1 ]

How adorable was little Sarah Michelle Gellar for Burger King! Before she staked Vampires, she preferred her burgers flame broiled! Unbelievable, how precious she was!

SOW note: As you can tell I am trying to start a new post called Before They Were Famous! I think it is a lot of fun to see celebs before we knew them doing commercials, music videos, TV guest appearances, Soap Operas or bit parts in movies! I am trying my best to find as many of these on my own, but I need your help!!! So if you see them or know of any, can you please E-Mail me at [email protected]!!! I hope they are as fun for you as they are for me!!!


Meet Bronx Mowgli Wentz!!!
December 25th, 2008 under Fall Out Boy/ Ashlee Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

Pete Wentz posted this holiday message and introduced us all to his adorable son Bronx Mowgli, sadly name isn't as cute!

Joey McIntyre and his adorable son!!!
December 25th, 2008 under NKOTB. [ Comments: 1 ]

Joey McIntyre spent the day shopping with his adorable 1 year old son Griffin Thomas yesterday at The Grove. Hopefully Griffin got everything he wanted for Christmas, looks like having him is enough for his dad!

RIP Eartha Kitt
December 25th, 2008 under Obits. [ Comments: 4 ]

Eartha Kitt passed away today at the age of 81 from colon cancer according to AP. Although Eartha was an amazing singer and performer, she will be best known for her purr that she purrfected by playing Catwoman in Batman. She might have been 81, but she looked half her age and now she is Santa’s Baby in heaven.


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