Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2008 » September
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Hot Links!
September 26th, 2008 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who is reading that book? – Celebslam
The saddest red carpet ever – WIMB
Kimbo Slice is my idol! – The Blemish
Pink or black? – Pretty On The Outside
Lisa Rinna loves her animal print – Ayyyy!
Naomi Watts in short shorts – The Bastardly
Demi Moore put on some weight? – Celebitchy
Shenae Grimes blogs about her weight – ICYDK
What is Jordan selling here? – The Rad Report
David Blaine cheated on his last stunt – Dlisted
Drew Barrymore trying older men? – Candy Kirby
Which 90210 stars are dating? – Bricks and Stones
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are slobs – Celeb Warship
Britney Spears and K-Fed together again? – Popbytes
Want to know who wins I Love Money – LA Rag Mag
Justin Timberlake is officially over the hill – Gabby Babble
Angelina Jolie's lips are bigger than ever – Agent Bedhead
Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson do Disney – Farandulista
Went in for a circumcision, lost his 8 1/2" peen instead – Scandalist

The Valkyrie trailer
September 25th, 2008 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: 1 ]

Valkyrie is coming out on December 26th and after seeing that trailer I would rather work in a department store than see that movie. That movie might have had a chance if Tom Cruise weren’t starring in it. Every time I saw his face, I just couldn’t take him seriously in the film.
I will hold of until Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Bastards with Brad Pitt and Eli Roth to see a movie about Nazis during WWII, at least that movie will be good.


A Jingle Generator!!!
September 25th, 2008 under Cool Technology. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ever wanted your own jingle, well thanks to QuickBooks you can have one of your very own for fun or your comapny! Tommy Silk is back in action and he is creating the perfect jingle for you or your friends at! And while you are there, you can download the nation’s best-selling account software!


The first cancelled show of the fall season is…
September 25th, 2008 under Fox. [ Comments: 2 ]

Once again has the first cancelled show of the season and this year it is Do Not Disturb. Michael Ausiello is reporting that the show will be replaced by a second airing of ‘Til Death. Poor Jerry O’Connell has yet another failed sitcom on his resume.
BTW is anyone surprised that Do Not Disturb was cancelled?


The dead haunt Sam and Dean on tonight’s Supernatural
September 25th, 2008 under Supernatural. [ Comments: none ]

“Are you there God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester” (TV-14, LV)
MEG AND AGENT HENRICKSEN RETURN TO HAUNT SAM AND DEAN — Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jenson Ackles) are stunned when the spirits of Meg (guest star Nikki Aycox) and Agent Henricksen (guest star C. Malik Whitfield) appear and accuse the Winchesters of failing them. Although rattled, the brothers must pull together to save Bobby (Jim Beaver), who is too crippled with guilt to fight off the angry ghosts of the young children he couldn’t save. Phil Sgriccia directed the episode.

Now that we have met the angel Castiel (Misha Collins) on Supernatural, looks he is bringing down some friends with him that Sam and Dean couldn’t save. Tonight’s episode is really powerful and last few minutes of the episode will blow you away.
So tune in to Supernatural tonight on The CW at 9p for an hour that real is supernatural!
And turn your TVs to The CW at 8p to meet Doomsday on Smallville.


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