Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2008 » June
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Pete Doherty gets clean
June 17th, 2008 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss. [ Comments: none ]

Why is it even sitting in a bathtub using soap and water Pete Doherty still looks so dirty?
Poor kitty, poor poor kitty. Why is he still allowed to have his animals?


Tori & Dean move back to Home Sweet Hollywood tonight!
June 17th, 2008 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Reviews. [ Comments: none ]

Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood premieres on Oxygen tonight at 10p and just from what I have seen this is the best season yet!
This season is about Tori, Dean and Liam and not about the Inn. Not that I am saying the last two seasons were a bad thing, but we are finally getting to know the real Tori and Dean. The first episodes deal with her book coming out and the struggles she had with her mom. Something that was not really explained until now. It also shows a much more relaxed pregnant Tori dealing with her second pregnancy and trying to be a different mother than her own. Dean on the other hand is trying to get his acting career back on track. They also take us inside their lives and dealing with the paparazzi and how and why she hid her pregnancy. This season is much more heart felt.
The one thing that did not change is we get to see how much Tori and Dean McDermott love each other and their relationship gives me hope love can be sweet and out there!
So tune into Oxygen tonight at 10p to watch the best season of Tori and Dean as they return to Home Sweet Hollywood!!!


Mark Wahlberg dares to diss the Ocean’s franchise
June 17th, 2008 under Marky Mark. [ Comments: none ]

Zoo Magazine sat down with Mark Wahlberg and asked him about turning down a role in the Ocean's franchise and here is what he had to say!
Is it true you turned down the chance to be in the Ocean's films?
Yeah – and it was well worth it! The second one sucked! People tell George Clooney it's great, but we all know it sucked. I made two bad movies instead – Planet Of The Apes and The Truth About Charlie – but doing that was better than sitting with Brad and George, telling the press how great everybody is! "We were in Europe, George was funny, then we had some wine…" – that's not for me. I do love those guys, but I had to step out on my own.
I have to admit he is so right, Ocean's 12 sucked and their movie junkets are so sweet and lovey dovey that it is sickening. Plus you have to admire him for admitting he makes bad movies, how many other actors do that.

Eddie Murphy’s bust the size of his ego!!!
June 17th, 2008 under Eddie Murphy. [ Comments: none ]

Dang Eddie Murphy's head is huge. Can you not see him going to the artist saying I want a bust the size of my ego?
But seriously that 15' bust is a promotion for his upcoming movie Meet Dave and that head will be touring the country. They probably spent more money on that prop than the movie will make.

Paris Hilton can’t buy every dog she wants?
June 17th, 2008 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: 1 ]

(Photo from Mavrix Photos)
Paris Hilton wanted to buy a Yorkie over the weekend, but the Puppy Store denied her impulse buy because she thought the pup would maker her look cuter in the photoshoot she was going to according to Page Six. Obviously she threw a fit when she was told no, a word she is not used. A witness told the paper, "She started screaming, 'I love my puppies! I want my baby!'"
Good for the Puppy Store for saying no her. She can't get every dog she wants!

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