Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2008 » April
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James Spader is going for another Emmy!!!
April 26th, 2008 under Boston Legal, James Spader. [ Comments: 3 ]

Dang how amazing is James Spader in this scene on Boston Legal where he tells the Supreme Court how it really is! David E Kelley did a great job when he wrote this scene and what he wrote is so true. Hopefully SCOTUS is watching this and realizing how far off track they have gotten from the original premise of what they are suppose to be.
Kudos to David E Kelley and James Spader!!!
BTW if you have never seen Boston Legal, please watch as it moves to its new timeslot of 10p on Wednesday! Let’s save a show worth watching on ABC that doesn’t lose its touch as time goes on unlike well Desperate Housewives, Lost and Grey’s Anatomy.


Pink and Bai Ling
April 26th, 2008 under Bai Ling, Pink. [ Comments: 6 ]

Bai Ling posted these pictures of Pink and her going to Coachella and I don't know about you, but the two of them together scares me. That or imagining how much fun it was on their party bus to the festival!

When did Violet Affleck get so big?
April 26th, 2008 under Ben Affleck. [ Comments: 1 ]

Pacific Coast Online (check them out for more cute pix of Violet)
Violet Affleck is just so cute! She looks just like Jennifer Garner, but looks like she inherited Ben Aflleck's rambunctiousness!

Jordan as Elvira?
April 26th, 2008 under Elvira, Jordan/Peter Andre/Harvey. [ Comments: 2 ]

Jordan as Elvira, well rumor has it she is in talks to take over the role from Casandra Petersen in a remake of the 1988 movie according to Digital Spy.

"It's a very good time to be British in Hollywood and you can't fail to notice Jordan – she knows how to shine," an insider told the Daily Star. "Cassandra Peterson has been in talks about a remake for some time but didn't want to take on the role again herself, even thought she still appears as Elvira.

"Everyone was at a loss until they spotted Jordan on a gossip website. She just looks perfect and then they discovered she has a penchant for one-liners. She will have to lose the tan, though. And Cassandra's Elvira worked because of the mixture of her dark image and her Valley Girl wit – so Kate will have to learn an American accent."

Actually she would be a good Elvira, she was born to play that role.Plus I can't wait to see her without a tam!


DWTS’s Shannon Elizabeth and Derek Hough getting married?
April 25th, 2008 under Dancing with the Stars. [ Comments: 2 ]

Dancing with the Stars’ Shannon Elizabeth and Derek Hough (the kissing couple) were in Vegas for the premiere of her new movie Deal, but what they told Raw Vegas was better than any part of the movie ever could be! They said they were there not only for the premiere of the movie, but to get married. Do you think Cougar Shannon married her kitten Derek or were they playing with us? Does anyone know if her divorce from hubby #1 was ever finalized?
Looks like they will have some ‘splaining to do on Monday and I hope what happened in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas!!!


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