Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » September
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The Fonz to go Bronze!
September 27th, 2007 under Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Well that is if Visit Milwaukee has anything to do with it. The group is trying to add a bronze statue of The Fonz to their city to attract tourism according to AP. They have raised $45,000 of the $85,000 needed to do so and I really hope they do it. I know if I were in Milwaukee I would go and visit the statue…wouldn't you too? 
I wonder how jealous Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams are that they are not trying to do one for Laverne & Shirley, but then again they did move to LA for the final few seasons!

Knight Rider is coming back to TV
September 27th, 2007 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: 1 ]

NBC has placed an order for a two hour pilot of Knight Rider that will test out as a telepic to see if it should be picked up for a whole season according to Variety. Just like Bionic Woman and Nightstalker, the show will not be the same as the original minus what can be read in the one sentence description of the original.

It's also likely the new show will explore the idea of "evil" cars to offset the heroic talking K.I.T.T. car of the original skein, which starred David Hasselhoff. That said, skein is expected to essentially remain focused on the story of a single man fighting for justice with the help of his superadvanced car.

There's also huge potential for advertiser integration. General Motors was all over "Transformers," and it's easy to see NBC striking a rich deal with a single automaker to serve as the exclusive auto brand for the new "Knight." It's understood preliminary talks have already begun.

Just like movies and Broadway, what happened to the concept of being original and not remaking the past?
BTW no word if David Hasselhoff will have anything to do with the updated version of Knight Rider. I am sure NBC will find a way to have him be part of the two hour show…it might just be a commercial for America's Got Talent but they will squeeze him into it just like he squeezes into his jeans.

Britney Spears takes us where we didn’t need to go
September 27th, 2007 under Britney Spears. [ Comments: none ]

via CelebTV
Is nothing sacred to Britney Spears? Why do I even ask because we know nothing is?


Hot Links!
September 26th, 2007 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess the cleavage? – Drunken Stepfather
Is there still a Zanessa? – ICYDK 
WTF is Alicia Keys wearing? – Daily Stab
J-Lo gets sexy for Arena – The Jellyfisher
Julia Roberts husband walks out? – Popbytes
What is Davy Jones doing now? – Holy Moly!
Kim Kardashian's butt in jeans – The Bastardly

Posh Spice has an advice book? – Pop On The Pop
Is there a DWTS couple already? – Right Celebrity
 Heidi Montag before and after the implants – Dlisted
WTF Tom Cruise fired a guy for farting? – The Blemish
Did they finally cast Wonder Woman? – Celeb Warship
Did Britney Spears get into another fender bender? – GB
Guess whose dad confirms his kid's nose job? – Celebitchy
Evan Rachel Wood pretty or scary? – Hollywood Backwash 
Sandra Bernhard talks about Madonna and their "friendship" – TRR
Do you like Paris Hilton better with short or long hair? – Glam Scene

What a good dog…what a bad cat
September 26th, 2007 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

OMG! How cute was that video! And seriously how amazing was that dog, she could take that little kitty out with just one bite and he didn’t do anything! That is one excellent dog!


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