What is with the women in Rod Stewart’s life posing for Ultimo underwear |
September 20th, 2007 under Rod Stewart. [ Comments: none ]
Rod Stewart's daughter Kimberly, his wife Penny Lancaster and ex-wife Rachel Hunter have all posed for Ultimo. So you would think that he would be happy he found out that Ruby (the one who took the good looks from Kimberly) was posing for them. No such luck according to Daily Mail, he was so furious that he ordered the work to stop. Luckily for Ultimo they go four shots taken before Rod found out.
Jessica Alba and Dane Cook’s kiss was tooth shattering |
September 20th, 2007 under Jessica Alba. [ Comments: 1 ]
(photo from AP)
Jessica Alba and Dane Cook's kiss scene during Good Luck Chuck was so powerful that both of them were rushed to the dentist's office according to IOL.
She explains: "I chipped my front tooth doing a kiss with Dane and he chipped his bottom tooth. "We were doing this comedic Mr & Mrs Smith love scene, and we were slamming into walls and breaking things and tumbling over couches and stuff
"At one point, he slammed my head into a picture frame and, while my head was smacking into the wall and breaking the picture, his teeth slammed into my teeth."
"Now I have a bond on my tooth and when I take it off I look like Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber.
"But Alba insists she won't be rushing to get the problem permanently fixed: "I can definitely take the bond off of my tooth and throw people off a bit. I get to take this thing off and be somebody else for a little while. It's like a disguise."
I can't wait to see her without the bond!
BTW I always pictured kissing Dane Cook would be painful, now we know it is true.
The wild boys Duran Duran filming their new video |
September 20th, 2007 under Duran Duran. [ Comments: 1 ]
Duran Duran is back to doing what they do best shooting music videos, releasing great albums and being as sexy as they have always been. I am not sure if they were shooting the video for Falling Down, but I assume that they are because that is the single that is coming out on Tuesday for their new album Red Carpet Massacre that is finally coming out on November 13th!!!
I am getting so excited for this album!!! Plus did I tell you guys I went to their listening party for Red Carpet Massacre on Tuesday and they were there! More on that later!!!
Hot Links! |
September 19th, 2007 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
George Clooney and his beard – Dlisted
Which rocker had the best face lift? – CityRag
Who does Nick Carter claim he is dating now? – ICYDK
A "Which Hollywood couple are you?" quiz – GlamScene
Who almost ripped Kate Moss' dress off of her? – Yeeeah!
Britney Spears extensions are nasty like her – Celeb Warship
Who paid off a $250,000 debt with sexual favors? – VH1 Blog
Do you think these Oscar de la Hoya pix are real or fake? – HB
Marcia Brady kissed Greg and one of her Brady sisters? – Popbytes
Who delayed a photoshoot 3 hours to get their weave done? – Holy Moly!
What happened to Helen Hunt? |
September 19th, 2007 under Helen Hunt, No makeup. [ Comments: 9 ]
Celebslam (check him out for more photos of her)
Wow, that does not even look remotely close to the woman I watched in Girls Just Want to Have Fun and Mad About You. Maybe it is the sweater and shades that are making it hard for me to identify her.
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