Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » April
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Even Simon Cowell say this is not the best American Idol
April 13th, 2007 under American Idol 6, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]

 (photo credit Michael Becker / FOX)
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Simon Cowell has this to say about this year's American Idol contestants and the ratings decline, ''We're doing as well as we are doing with not a great cast at the moment, to be honest with you. They're not the best bunch of kids we've ever had.'' As always I agree with Simon!

ER is losing their love doctors
April 13th, 2007 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]


TV Guide confirmed that both Goran Visnij and Maura Tierney are leaving ER next season. Goran mentioned yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel that he was only going to do a few episodes next season, but they are still working out the details. Maura will probably stay the whole season, but hasn't fully made the decision to leave. Both of them who have been on the show for a long time, and say they are leaving the little screen for the big one. Both have done feature films, but have problems doing a lot more of them because ER’s grueling schedule. I wish them both luck because I really like them!

So yesterday Goran was on Kimmel and he told this story, and I thought was the only who had the same experience. He said when he was kid he saw Mel Brook's History of the World: Part One and at the end of the movie when they showed what was coming up in the sequel like Jews In Space he was all excited for it. I too could not wait to see Jews in Space and then one day it hit me, oh there is no sequel that was a joke. Sadly when I found that out in the privacy in my home unlike him who found it out at a Blockbuster here in The States. Just out of curiousity were they only ones waiting for History of the Word: Part Two?


SciFi’s Painkiller Jane kicks a$$
April 13th, 2007 under Reviews, Syfy. [ Comments: none ]

SciFi is premiering a new series tonight at 10P called Painkiller Jane. Well I have seen the first two episodes, and all I can say is the show kicks a$$.
The best way to describe the show it is Claire The Cheerleader from Heroes meets Smallville and Supernatural. What I mean is what will Claire do with her ability to be indestructible when she grows up? Painkiller Jane deals with an indestructible woman, who joins a secret force that seeks out people who have Neuros. Neuros cause them to have special powers like bringing people back from the dead and the power of illusion and they use them to do bad things. That is where the Smallville/Supernatural feel comes in, both shows have the same leads but each week it changes up what they are hunting.
Now I have to admit it took me about 20 minutes to get into the show because I am used to the lighter shows on SciFi like Eureka and The Dresden Files. But as the show went on, I got more and more into it. Actually it when she dies the first time, I realized what makes this show different and good.
Painkiller Jane Vasko is played by Kristinna Loken, who most people know from Terminator 3. I know her from some of her recent stuff like the Razzie nominated BloodRayne and how much she hated her time on The L Word, but watching her on this show it was like watching her for the first time. The cast is mostly unknowns, but you know what it works for the show.
So tune into SCiFi at 10p or set your DVRs to record the show because I promise you, you will be talking about Painkiller Jane for weeks to come!


Paris Bennet is a sore loser
April 13th, 2007 under American Idol 1-5, American Idol 6. [ Comments: 2 ]


According TMZ, Paris Bennet called into a radio station and said that her a few other losing/loser American Idol contestants are voting for Sanjaya Malakar because they think American Idol is a joke. I am sorry she needs to get over herself. She was completely overrated and was a front-runner because Randy Jackson was obsessed with her grandmother. Yes she was good during auditions but she went down faster than the Titanic. I am just so sick of these losing contestants who bash Idol, if it wasn't for Idol they would still be at home doing whatever job they were doing and not recording albums. So she needs to shut up and deal with the fact that the album that she only got made because she was on Idol bombed because she was a one note wonder.  BTW if I never her hear helium sounding voice again it would be ok with me. She is just jealous because when Sanjaya is voted off the show people will be surprised, unlike her when no one gave two sh!ts that she was voted off.

Now when it comes to Sanjaya Malakar, I do not think he is the worst on the show. He was not the one that I am wondering why he is still on the show, can someone please tell me who is voting for Phil Stacey? That guy just creeps me out and is boring as all heck.

OK I feel better getting this vent out!!! 


Happy Friday the 13th!!!
April 13th, 2007 under Randomness. [ Comments: none ]

OMG! Someone has way too much time on their hands and boy I am glad that they did! Seriously how f’ing cool was that? Two of my all-time favorite death scenes are 56 and 114, but I forgot how many awesome kills Jason Voorhees actually committed in all of those Friday the 13th movies! G-d I love Jason Voorhees and the guy (James Avery) who put that together!!! You go guys!


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