Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » April
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Fox pulls tomorrow’s Bones’ episode because of the VT tragedy
April 17th, 2007 under Bones. [ Comments: none ]

(photo credit Isabella Vosmikova/FOX)

According to Zap2It, Fox has pulled tomorrow’s episode of Bones that is about a male student athlete found dead under the bleachers in a college gym. A Fox spokesperson said, "Out of sensitivity to the victims and families touched by this senseless tragedy, we felt the change was appropriate." A repeat of Bones will air in the place of the yet to be rescheduled "Player Under Pressure" episode.


Jimmy Kimmel is a crappy nephew
April 17th, 2007 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Some times when I watch some of the stuff that Jimmy Kimmel does on his show, I just have to appreciate what a sh!t he is. And he seriously is one of the biggest sh!ts out there as you will see with the prank he pulled on his Aunt Chippy on April Fool’s Day! Maybe because I was born on April Fool’s Day and I love a great April Fool’s joke; but this so had me ROTFLMAO! And listening to his Aunt Chippy made me homesick for New York.
Enjoy the chuckle!


Joe Pesci tells Robbie Williams to Take That with a golf club
April 17th, 2007 under Robbie Williams. [ Comments: none ]

So according to the Daily Mirror, Joe Pesci got a little upset (to put it midly) when some of Robbie Williams' friends blocked his driveway with their cars the other day. So he confronted them with a bunch of four letter words and a golf club.
Robbie invited some friends over, including to the adorable Sean Maguire from The Class, to play some football (soccer) and one of them blocked Pesci's driveway. According to a source Pesci came storming down the driveway screening, "Which one of you motherf***ers blocked my drive? If you don't move in 30 seconds, I'm gonna smash your windscreen!" The source added, "At first, Rob stood there smirking when Pesci bounded over waving a club. But he quickly realised the seriousness of the situation and ordered his pals to move their cars. Pesci eventually calmed down but only after Robbie assured him it wouldn't happen again. It was pretty terrifying in Goodfellas when Pesci's character flew off the handle. Imagine seeing it in reallife. Robbie has never had any sort of dispute with his neighbours before and has now given his mates strict instructions to steer clear of Pesci's driveway." That must have been one heck of a site.
Robbie's people confirmed the incident, no word from Pesci's people. 

Can Lourdes look any more like Madonna?
April 17th, 2007 under Madonna. [ Comments: none ]

They even have the same facial expression. Seriously if Madonna goes back to her natural hair color, Lourdes would so be her mini-me. 

Heather Mills falls on her ass
April 17th, 2007 under Dancing with the Stars, Heather Mills. [ Comments: none ]

Please b!tch faked it. Isn’t ironic that she falls the first time she wears a dress that shows her prosthetic leg? And also why would she only balance herself on the one bad leg and not the good one. She just did that for the votes because the people that didn’t know who she was before the show are over the whole sympathy vote. She won’t get voted off for a while because there are only two girls left in the competition, but I can dream. And BTW I totally enjoyed when she fell, I just wish it was harder!
Now when it comes to who should be voted off tonight, I hope it is Clyde the Glide because he is more painful to me than Sanjaya is to others.


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