Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » April
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Who from American Idol 6 worked at Hooters?
April 21st, 2007 under American Idol 6, Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Think you know who is under the shades, then click here!


Alec Baldwin takes his case to the net
April 20th, 2007 under Alec Baldwin. [ Comments: none ]


Alec Baldwin posted the below statement on his site about that horrific phone call he made to his 11 year old daughter, Ireland. 

Thank you to everyone who has posted messages of suppport and understanding. Naturally, it is not best for a parent to lose their temper with their child. Everyone who knows me privately knows that I have endured a great deal over the last several years in my custody litigation. Everyone who knows me privately knows that certain people will go to any lengths to embarass me and to disrupt my relationship with my daughter.

In such public cases, your opponents attempt to take a picture of you on your worst day and insist that this is who you are as a person. Outside the doors of divorce court, I have friends, I have respect from people I work with and I have a normal relationship with my daughter. All of that is threatened whenever one enters a court room.

Although I have been told by numerous people not to worry too much, as all parents lose their patience with their kids, I am most saddened that this was released to the media because of what it does to a child. I'm sorry, as everyone who knows me is aware, for losing my temper with my child. I have been driven to the edge by parental alienation for many years now. You have to go through this to understand. (Although I hope you never do.) I am sorry for what happened. But I am equally sorry that a court order was violated, which had deliberately been put under seal in this case.

Once my book is published, I'm sure more people will understand the incredible strains created by parental alienation.

In the meantime, I'm sorry to anyone who's taken offense from this episode.

I love how he takes time to promote his book in his apology, you know since it is all about him and ego. As you can tell this did not sway me toward his way in the least bit, in fact I think it makes me dislike him even more. And I wonder if he took his apology to the net because Ireland wasn't accepting his phones call?


Daniel Radcliffe riding Equus to Broadway
April 20th, 2007 under Broadway. [ Comments: none ]

According to Equus will end it's West End Run on June 9th, but will reopen on Broadway Spring of 2008 with both Daniel Radcliffe and Rachel Griffiths. You know this show will nearly be sold out before its opening night. Heck even I want to see it. 

X17 gets splashed
April 20th, 2007 under Bruce Willis. [ Comments: none ]

Ironically I think the photographer made Bruce Willis look good.
And btw that is the second day in a row that a paparazzi photographer got splashed, the first one was by Pete Doherty. I wonder if this is the new trend? 

Tom Cruise is shrinking before our eyes
April 20th, 2007 under Captioned By Me, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Either Tom Cruise is shrinking or now that Katie Holmes is away from Tom Cruise she found her heels! I am going with the latter!

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