Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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Guns N’ Roses fans want their Chinese Democracy
March 8th, 2007 under Axl Rose. [ Comments: 1 ]

A Guns N' Roses website in Italy has shut down because they are fed up with all the postponements on Chinese Democracy. The album was rescheduled to come out on March 6th and GNR postponed it earlier this week again.

GNROnlie.IT left a message to their fans that Guns N' Roses has until February 2006 to release the album or they will release the domain. They also had this to say:

we regret to tell you that in relation to the protest we started on December 7th 2006, our Guns fan sites and forums, and, will be shut down at once. The never ending saga of Chinese Democracy, the lack of respect, clearness and mutual loyalty are just some of the reasons that has brought us down to this painful conclusion. Until now our detractors have always accused us of being “Axl Fanatics” (and to a certain degree it is probably true) but today we aren’t able to sustain Axl’s project anymore, neither financially nor economically. We just can’t afford to waste our heads on a project that has never even taken us into consideration. We gladly leave that to other “fan” sites and forums that have the will and passion to be fooled around one more time.

I doubt Axl will care or that they album will be out by then. 


K-Fed’s new money scheme
March 8th, 2007 under K-Fed. [ Comments: none ]

 Page Six says that Kevin Federline is asking for $25,000 to cover inside his 29th birthday party on March 21st in West Hollywood. I guess he is figuring that now that Britney is rehab and people are actually caring about him again, why not make a buck out of it. This what they magazine will get for their money, "The celebrity magazine will get its logo on the red carpet and exclusive coverage inside the club," said Page Six's snitch. "But who cares? Everyone will have access to the red carpet. And there aren't even any big celebs confirmed for inside the party." Sources also told us that which ever rag coughs up the cash "won't even get a real interview with K-Fed." If I had $25,000 to cover it I would because you never know if Britney might just leave rehab to go to the party! Plus for the mags $25,000 is nothing to the magazines, don't you think?

(photo from People


Jason’s Lee name is David Seville
March 8th, 2007 under Razzies movies?. [ Comments: none ]

Entertainment Weekly is saying that The Chipmunks movie got their dad, Jason Lee. I am not a fan of his, but OMG he is perfectly cast as David Seville. He so looks the role.

The movie is set to begin filming at the end of the month and be released at the end of the year on December 14th. Just in time for the movie to get at least one Razzie nom.

Now the only thing we know who is going to be cast as The Chipmunks, who do you think they should cast???




Johnny Depp’s daughter is seriously ill?
March 7th, 2007 under Johnny Depp, Sick Bay. [ Comments: 2 ]

HOLLYWOOD star Johnny Depp's seven-year-old daughter Lily-Rose was seriously ill in hospital last night. The devastated actor and his partner Vanessa Paradis, who also have a four-year-old son, John Jack, are keeping a round-the-clock vigil at Lily-Rose's bedside. She was rushed to a hospital in Britain nine days ago after suddenly falling ill. Details of her condition and exactly where she is being treated are being kept secret. A hospital source said: "Lily is a very sick little girl and Johnny has hardly left her side. It is heartbreaking for him to see her in this state. "She really is very poorly but he is a devoted dad and is spending as much time as he can with her." Depp, 43, has been using a staff entrance to get into the hospital and arriving in a blacked-out car with minders. The source said: "He has not asked for any special favours but just wants the best for his child, like any parent. It is such a difficult time for him but he is hanging in there for the sake of his daughter and the whole family is just praying that she gets better and is taking each day as it comes. "It's been an emotional rollercoaster for all of them and he's been worrying himself silly. He wouldn't wish this on anyone and has been finding it hard keeping it together." Depp, who has been shooting Sweeney Todd in Britain with Edward Scissorhands director Tim Burton, is a dedicated father who often talks about how his children have transformed his life.

The Daily Record (story) and TeeMix (photo)

Johnny Depp has changed for the better since he became a father, so  I really hope she gets better soon.

UPDATE: According to his publicist, “We are happy to report that their daughter is doing much better.   The family greatly appreciates the continued support and respect of their privacy.”
That is good to hear! 


John Popper not getting the Run-Around by the cops.
March 7th, 2007 under Arrested. [ Comments: none ]

Blues Traveler singer and harmonica player John Popper was arrested after the vehicle he was riding in was clocked going 111 mph, the Washington State Patrol said Wednesday. Inside the black Mercedes SUV, officers found a cache of weapons and a small amount of marijuana, the Patrol said. A police dog searched the vehicle, finding numerous hidden compartments containing four rifles, nine handguns and a switchblade knife. Authorities also found a Taser and night vision goggles. The vehicle was seized. Popper, who lives in Snohomish, Wash., is the owner of the vehicle, which was being driven by Brian Gourgeois, 34, of Austin, Texas, said state patrol Trooper Jeff Sevigney. The vehicle also had flashing emergency headlights, a siren and a public address system, the Patrol said. “Popper indicated to troopers that he had installed these items in his vehicle because (in the event of a natural disaster) he didn’t want to be left behind,” the Patrol said in a news release. He also told officers he collected weapons, the Patrol said. The two men were booked administratively into the Adams County jail and released on their own recognizance. Authorities plan to charge them with possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Gourgeois will also face a charge of reckless driving, the Patrol said.
Dude when you have all that crap in your car, you don’t drive 110 mph. Seriously what was he thinking, I know they weren’t thinking?


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