Celebrating Beyonce’s Sports Illustrated cover made some sick? |
February 27th, 2007 under Beyoncé. [ Comments: none ]
Los Angeles County health officials say a cook employed with Wolfgang Puck Catering in Hollywood has been diagnosed with acute hepatitis A. Officials say the employee helped prepare food at four events between Feb. 14 and Feb. 20, including the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue party at the Pacific Design Center on Valentine's Day. Anyone who ate uncooked food at that event is advised to get an immune globulin shot by tomorrow to prevent development of acute hepatitis A. Officials say there is no risk to anyone who ate food prepared after Feb. 20. None of the Wolfgang Puck restaurants or Express Cafes or any of Puck's pre-packaged foods are affected.
KCBS (story) and POTP (photo)
How scary is that? Just think anytime you go to a restaurant that could possibly happen? And yes it was way too easy too blame Beyonce for the coincidence, sorry but it was.
Why didn’t someone stop Lauren Hutton from wearing this? |
February 27th, 2007 under Captioned By Me. [ Comments: none ]
I am speechless by how fugly that thing is. What is it? Jennifer Hudson was upset by her Oscar dress, that is nothing compared to what Lauren Hutton is wearing. I know I asked earlier could Courtney Love's dress be an uglier, the answer is yes, it could be the above dress. Yuck.
Is this how Harrison Ford is preparing for Indiana Jones 4? |
February 27th, 2007 under Harrison Ford. [ Comments: 1 ]
I read earlier today that Harrison Ford was getting in shape for Indiana Jones 4 and then I saw this photo. Which makes me wonder if this source lied to AskMen, "He's been furiously working out on the treadmills at a Los Angeles gym for about three hours a day to get in shape. "He's on a strict high protein diet. He's eating lots of fish and vegetables. It's hard but he's already looking great for it. He wants to make sure Indiana is as tough as he always was." What do you think?
Like, OMG, guess who went blonde? |
February 27th, 2007 under Guess who?, The Beckhams. [ Comments: none ]

Wanna know then click here!
How I Met Your Mother meets Bob Barker! |
February 27th, 2007 under How I Met Your Mother. [ Comments: none ]
Legendary gameshow host, who's leaving "The Price is Right" in June, has signed on to guest in an episode of the Eye's hit Monday laffer. He'll play himself, natch. Lensing on Barker's bit is set to take place next week on "Price's" Television City set. Barker's storyline has him interacting with Barney, the "HIMYM" character played by Neil Patrick Harris. "This is a voyage of self-discovery that leads Barney to the Showcase Showdown," exec producer Carter Bays said mysteriously.
Variety (story) and AP (photo)
OMG! I so can't wait for that episode, you It's going to be legen…wait for it…dary! Between the writers, Neil Patrick Harris and Bob Barker, you know you will be LOLing! Icing on the cake would be if they did Let's Make a Deal and they all go as Robin Sparkles!!!
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