Seriously? OMG! WTF?
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Is this the worst round of Wheel of Furtune?
September 19th, 2024 under Ryan Seacrest, Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Seacrest hasn’t even been hosting Wheel of Fortune for two weeks, and he might’ve been part of one of the worst rounds in the game show’s over 40-year history.

The first round started off OK, but then things took a turn for the worst. First, Brent landed on bankrupt, as did Tanijah, and so did Melissa.

Would three bankrupts in a row end the curse? Yes! Brent’s spin landed on Lose a Turn! Tanijah, finally broke the curse and saw the wheel land on $800.

That was followed up with two bankrupts, lose a turn, and another bankrupt.

Finally, Melissa landed on $600 and asked for the letter P. There were two up there, and with that, she asked to solve the puzzle. Thankfully, she got it right, putting everyone out of their misery.

I think the person who suffered the most was Seacrest. If this is what his tenor is going to be like, the show’s ratings will be bankrup in no time.


Would you use Coffee Mate cream that tastes bagel and cream cheese?
September 19th, 2024 under Junk Food. [ Comments: none ]

In New York, a lot of people wake up and drink coffee while eating a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. What if you could combine them and eat two foods with one drink?

Well, you can, sort of. Coffee Mate created a creamer that tastes like the breakfast of New Yorkers. Actually, they say it has “notes reflecting cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk and a slightly savory hint of bagel in every sip.”

Would you add that to your coffee? If you would, you only have one more chance to get it. That is because you have to win it. So set your clock alarms for September 3oth at 10a EST for your chance to have a bottle sent to you.

Since I am a confused New Yawker who is not a fan of bagels, you can have my entry.


Hot Links!
September 18th, 2024 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Could Cillian Murphy win another Oscar? – Celebitchy

How did Diddy plea? – Farandulista

Want a Stranger Things spoiler? – Pajiba

I thought Shazam was dead? – Screen Rant

Ricky Schroder’s daughter is naked – Drunken Stepfather

Ariana Grande releases Wicked-inspired eyeshadow – WDJX


Guess who that girl grew up to be?
September 18th, 2024 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who is not living on the wrong side of Memphis, then click here!


BWTF: Sabrina Carpenter on Law & Order: SVU
September 18th, 2024 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Sabrina Carpenter was a sucessful actress, she got her start on Law & Order: SVU. What a performance she gave when she was just 11 on that 2011 episode.


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