Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Family Feud makes you wonder how easy is it to get into college?
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[ # ] Family Feud makes you wonder how easy is it to get into college?
November 18th, 2014 under Steve Harvey

Family Feud asked the contestants, “Name something that is hard to do with your eyes open?” Rell proudly said, “Read!” His family applauded the answer as the audience laughed hysterically. Steve Harvey was so flabbergasted by the answer that he walked over to make eye contact with Rell’s grandmother to get her reaction to his response. She just laughed in shame because what else could she do.
So you have to wonder how did this guy get into college? Don’t you have to be able to read with your eyes open in order to take the tests and fill out the applications to get in? More importantly, don’t you have to read to with your eyes open to stay in school?
On a positive note, at least he didn’t say drive. That is scary on a completely different level.
On an even more positive note, at least the answer wasn’t on the board.


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