Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel makes Justin Bieber’s #1 fan’s wish come true!!!
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel makes Justin Bieber’s #1 fan’s wish come true!!!
March 2nd, 2010 under Jimmy Kimmel, Justin Bieber

Jimmy Kimmel brings us the cutest thing you are going to see today. Last week on Jimmy Kimmel Live, he aired the video of 3 year old Cody crying hysterically over teen sensation Justin Bieber. Well Jimmy was so touched by the little girl’s tears that he flew her and her family out to LA and surprised her with none other than Justin Bieber himself. The toddler’s reaction was so cute when she got to meet him that I was oohing and ahhing and I am sure I am not the only one. I now have Bieber Fever because he did that for her. Seriously how awesome is it that he took time out of his busy schedule to make a 3 year old’s wish come true. No word yet when the wedding will be, but I would assume we are least 18 years away from them walking down the aisle together!
BTW gotta love how Jimmy told her that “her life is not going to get any better than this, right now.” I am sure it is a highlight she will remember forever, but she will have other great moments like the day she marries Justin Bieber!
If you missed the original awwwdorable video of Cody crying her eyes out for Justin, here it is. And don’t forget to watch Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight on ABC at 12:06a when he might do something nice for Anne Hathaway?

UPDATE: So how did this come about? Well according to a publicist for the show, Jimmy thought that Cody was so cute that he contacted Bieber’s people to see if he had met her and when he found didn’t, he made it happen.
I was also told that after Jimmy taped his bit, Bieber stayed in the room with the family and when he found out that it was one of the older sister’s birthday he sang Happy Birthday to her and she was so overjoyed that she looked like she was going to faint. Luckily for the girl, she didn’t because now she is left with memories most girls her age wish they had.


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