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[ # ] How to Know When It’s Time To Contact a Family Law Attorney
May 8th, 2024 under Uncategorized

If you’re facing a difficult family-related legal matter, such as a divorce, emancipation, adoption, or child custody battle, or you just need some papers drawn up, a family law attorney can help you through it much easier.

 If you’re trying to save money, it’s understandable if you haven’t hired an attorney yet, but in some situations, it can cost you more if you skip getting legal help. When you hire a family law attorney, they’ll build a customized legal strategy for you, backed by expertise and experience in getting results for clients, even in some of the toughest situations.

 Although many people can and do resolve their legal issues on their own, there are a handful of indications that you need a family law attorney.

  1. You’re getting a divorce and you share a business

If you’ve owned a business with your spouse for any length of time, splitting it up in a divorce won’t be easy unless you’re interested in performing endless calculations to compare its worth to both of your individual incomes and then decide who will buy the other out. If either of you are emotionally attached to the business, you won’t want to give it up. If running it jointly as business partners isn’t an option, the situation might become a nightmare.

If you’re one of the few people who can negotiate peacefully and fairly with your ex-spouse, you’re lucky. Most divorcing couples can barely agree on how to split basic property, let alone the business they’ve spent years building. 

A family law attorney will ensure the business you’ve worked hard to create is divided fairly and will help you work through any disagreements along the way.

  1. You’re the father in a custody battle

 It’s not fair, but fathers are far less likely to win full custody of their kids, and many courts side with the mother in a biased manner. Although both parties should be treated equally, that isn’t always the case, and fathers are often held to higher standards than mothers.

 There are many reasons fathers are denied custody. For example, even unproven allegations of domestic violence can negatively impact your ability to get custody of your child. Sometimes spouses will make false claims of abuse to manipulate the court and get their way and there’s nothing you can do to stop them.

 If you’re a father going through a divorce and custody battle, don’t let a judge make decisions about your child’s future without the help of an attorney. If their caseload is heavy, they won’t have much time to spend learning the intricacies of your situation. As the father, the deck is already stacked against you. Don’t risk going to court alone.

  1. Your ex-spouse wants a custody arrangement that won’t work

In a perfect world, you could come up with a workable, yet flexible custody arrangement with your ex-spouse and make changes as needed. Some people can, but if that isn’t working for you, it’s time to call an attorney. 

For example, your ex might think a 50/50 custody arrangement is ideal, but you’ve been reading up on the data that shows that’s actually harmful to kids because it doesn’t give them the stable routine they need to thrive.

 Perhaps you’re okay with joint custody, but want to be their primary caregiver to give them the stability they need. You probably won’t be able to convince your ex to go along with your idea. It will be easier to argue your case in court with the help of a family law attorney.

  1. Your current spouse doesn’t agree with you

Sometimes parents need to do things that their spouse may not agree with. For example, if you want to change your child’s name for some reason and your spouse doesn’t agree, you might be able to get it done through the court if you can prove it’s in your child’s best interest. However, you will most likely need an attorney to be successful.

  1. Your ex isn’t paying child support or alimony

 After going through a divorce, if your ex was ordered to pay child support or alimony, but they are failing to meet their financial obligations, your only option is to take them to court. Sometimes people are good at hiding their income, so you’ll ant to hire an attorney who can do some investigating to find out what’s really true.

Don’t go to court alone

No matter what type of situation you’re facing, don’t go into the courtroom alone. Hire a family law attorney to fight for you. An attorney will have experience, expertise, and access to helpful technology to get you the best outcome.


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[ # 1269855 ] Comment from Rad [May 8, 2024, 9:31 am]

Our Minister (lesbian) and her (late) wife raised three children – two biological (donor dad couple) and one adopted. When we met them in the mid-90’s, the children all had very unmannerly dogs and the house was always in bedlam. When pressed about the chaos, they said they have a simple agreement – “You’re welcome to leave the relationship, but if you go, you have to take the children and the dogs with you.”

And they had peace between the two of them.

The children all grew up fine.

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