Seriously? OMG! WTF? » AmFAR surprise auctions include a kiss from Robert Pattison & Eli Roth’s chest hairs!
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[ # ] AmFAR surprise auctions include a kiss from Robert Pattison & Eli Roth’s chest hairs!
May 22nd, 2009 under Eli Roth, Robert Pattinson, Twilight

(photos from WireImage)
The biggest event at Cannes isn't always the movies that premiere there, sometimes it auction that Sharon Stone holds for her charity AmFAR (American Foundation for AIDS Research) and this year was no exception. At this year's glammed out event Twilight vampire Robert Pattinson auctioned off an impromptu bite on the neck or as he like to refer to it as a kiss on the cheek! According to USA Today he added this after the announcement, "And if it goes really well, maybe it'll turn into something more." He ended up selling two love bites for $27,600 each. Not bad for a kiss from him! His smooch wasn't the only late-minute add, Eli Roth while auctioning off a private screening of Inglourious Basterds, decided to pluck a few hairs off of his chest (Eli's character is nicknamed The Bear Jew because he is so hairy, so the donation made sense) for the charity. But sadly the pain was for no reason, "I offered to donate my chest hair to charity, but Harvey said, 'This is not one of your (expletive) horror movies, kid.'" I would've bet a $1 for each chest hair he pulled, but I am sadist and would've done it to enjoy the pain he must've gone through when he did it. His chest hairs might not have earned any dinero, but the private screening of Quentin Tarantino's WWII movie went ofr $87,500. Not bad!

UPDATE: Here is a picture showing off Eli Roth’s glorious chest hairs from Life Magazine! How awesome is that picture of Eli with his Basterd poster at his hotel in Cannes?


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