Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Will Smith reveals why their won’t be a Fresh Prince revival
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[ # ] Will Smith reveals why their won’t be a Fresh Prince revival
December 21st, 2017 under Graham Norton, Revivals-Reboots, Will Smith

Alfonso Ribeiro has said that there will not be a Fresh Prince of Bel Air reunion since James Avery is no longer with us, and Will Smith also blamed Uncle Phil for why he won’t do it.

When Graham Norton asked cousin Will if we are going to see a revival of the ’90s sitcom, he said, “I’d have to be Uncle Phil in that one.” Then he explained why, “C’mon Aunt Viv, I am 50. I cannot go out on my own?”

Why not? It could work. He moves back in with his aunt and cousin, and this time he is raising a rambunctious son. Will still acts like a kid, so she has to punish her nephew and grand nephew all the time. I would watch! Plus, Carlton can have a nerdy kid just like him, who doesn’t get along with his cousin. Or better yet, Carlton has the punky kid and Will has the geek. Now, that would be a huge hit! Suck it Fuller House.


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