Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Who did Matthew Morrison sleep with to sit next to Betty White?
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[ # ] Who did Matthew Morrison sleep with to sit next to Betty White?
August 26th, 2010 under Betty White, Emmys, Glee

Out of all the cast members from Glee that I would think they would sit next to Betty White, Matthew Morrison was no where near the top of my list. I would’ve liked to have seen her sitting next to Jane Lynch because I love both funny ladies and as we the viewers watch the telecast we can only imagine what the two talented actresses would be saying about everyone else in the room. But now we won’t be able to picture that because she is sitting next to Mr Schue instead and he just doesn’t scream funny and warm to me. I could be wrong, but he is not someone I think deserves that prime seat. They should have given that seat to Neil Patrick Harris, who along with the Golden Girl, won Emmys this weekend for their guest starring roles. NPH won for Glee (which I say is a travesty because that gold statuette should’ve gone to Mike O’Malley) and Miss White won for Saturday Night Live. Guess Facebook knows who is Emmy worthy!!!


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