Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Were we duped by a fake Uggie the Dog?
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[ # ] Were we duped by a fake Uggie the Dog?
March 14th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel

The big star of this year’s awards season was Uggie the Dog from the Oscar winning movie The Artist. The beloved pooch was making the press rounds and attending awards shows, but that four-legged star might not have been the one that starred in the film. Jimmy Kimmel Live had “the pup” on his show to predict who would win the Academy Awards and a fan of the ABC late night show noticed that the movie dog and the press dog do not have the same markings. So Kimmel asked if Hollywood was duped by an imposter. I think we have been and don’t you agree?
You know how his owners said he retired? Well maybe he retired (to the big dog house in the sky) after the movie and his owners thought they could fake us all out. I want an explanation now because I call dog, I mean bullsh!t, on this reveal. I am barking mad. I am so upset, I am foaming at the mouth.
Tune into Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC tonight at midnight to see if there are more developments on the biggest Oscar scandal since Marisa Tomei won the gold stauette.


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