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[ # ] Was this ending enough to get Army Wives another season?
September 10th, 2012 under Lifetime

If you are like me, then when you watched Army Wives yesterday you were shocked by the ending and were wondering when will the show be back so we can find out what happened. Well we don’t know because as of now Lifetime has no word yet if there will be a 7th season. So I have to wonder if that cliffhanger was enough for them to say we have to bring the show back so that fans could find out what happened and who survived and who didn’t. It worked for Jericho, will it work for Army Wives too?
I mean it felt like a season finale and not a series one unlike last year’s where they ended it with Fort Marshall about to close. So if you want Lifetime to bring back the longest running drama on cable, then let them know via the Army Wives’ website. Us loyal watchers deserve a proper sendoff for this show. Not saying I want it to end, but I don’t want to have the series’ final minutes to be what we saw yesterday. That storyline needs to be wrapped up and the network shouldn’t leave us hanging.


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