Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The late night hosts respond to the late night rumors
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[ # ] The late night hosts respond to the late night rumors
January 9th, 2010 under Craig Ferguson, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Talk Shows

So on Thursday a rumor was started that NBC was cancelling The Jay Leno Show at 10p and moving him back to his old time slot of 11:35p for a half hour thus moving Conan O’Brien to 12:05a and Jimmy Fallon to 1:05a and the late night world went into a frenzy. Today’s rumor is that it is Conan’s choice whether he wants to stay or go and there is specualtion that Fox has made him offer to come on over to their network. Being late night show hosts whether they are on NBC or not they had to make fun of the whole situation. Above are the hosts that are directly affected by the news and below are the two that I watch! I love Craig Ferguson’s reaction to it on The Late Late Show and in the last video from Jimmy Kimmel Live! make sure to watch it at starting 1:20 in, it is the biggest payoff of all of the jokes!!!


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