Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The head of HBO takes a leave absence, enters AA
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[ # ] The head of HBO takes a leave absence, enters AA
May 8th, 2007 under HBO Max

(Photo from AP
The head of HBO, Chris Albrecht, has taken a leave of absence and has entered AA after being arrested over the weekend in Las Vegas. Albrecht was arrested for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend outside the MGM Grand. He was there to watch to the fight that his network aired. 
TV week has the memo that Albrecht sent out to his staff about his leave:
 My colleagues and friends:

I am deeply sorry for what occured in Las Vegas this weekend and for any embarrasment it caused my family, the company I love, and myself.

While I am not at liberty to discuss the incident as the district attorney and my lawyer are still determining the facts, it is my hope to do so in the near future.

This weekend was a wake up call to me of a weakness I thought I had overcome long ago. I had been a sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous for thirteen years. Two years ago, I decided that I could handle drinking again. Clearly, I was wrong. Given that truth, I have committed myself to sobriety. I intend to take a temporary leave of absence from HBO effective today, in order to go back to working with AA.

Leading this company is a great privilege and I pray that I can continue to do so in a manner that brings honor and pride to this remarkable organization and its remarkable people. Thank you for your understanding during these difficult hours, I will not let you down again.

Where are The Sopranos when you need them? It will be interesting to see if he will be allowed to return to his position as CEO and Chairman of HBO. With the end of The Sopranos and none of the new shows minus Entourage doing well, this could be HBO's easy way out. 
Thanks to TGOM

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