Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Thankfully Ben Stiller turned down hosting the Oscars
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[ # ] Thankfully Ben Stiller turned down hosting the Oscars
November 3rd, 2009 under Ben Stiller, Frat Pack, Oscars

Oscar’s new producers, Adam Shankman & Bill Mechanic, asked Ben Stiller to host the show according to Nikki Finke, but thankfully he turned it down. Ben Stiller is the least funny thing in every movie he does, why would they even think to ask to him host? Plus it is rumored that he is not a nice guy to work with. Which could be why when Robert Downey Jr was asked to co-host with him, he also said no. RDJ by himself would be an awesome host, but with Ben Stiller that would suck like Stiller’s movies.
If this is who Adam and Bill are going for to host the show, I think I might be skipping the Oscars this year. It is bad enough we are going to have to suffer through 10 freaking movies nominated for best picture and no award Lifetime Achievement Award and then they want us to suffer through someone like Ben Stiller as the MC. I pray they are not working down the Frat Pack list and giving the hosting duties to the first person to say yes because most of those actors are tolerable enough to watch in a movie but as a host of an Oscars they are so not the right choice. I mean Will Ferrell is good in small incriminates, but he can’t carry a show. Jack Black would be screaming and acting stupid for 4 hours if he were given the opportunity. When it comes to Wilson brothers, I don’t think either Owen or Luke would consider doing it.
My ideal host would be Robin Williams because you never know what he will do and he can be funny for 4+ hours. Plus imagine him acting out the best movie noms which at this point should include This Is It, Up and Inglourious Basterds. If they have the balls to ask him, which they don’t…then what is wrong with Billy Crystal? He has proven he can do it. Why are you hesitating? Maybe if they want to skew younger they can beg Hugh Jackman to reconsider his decision not to do it again because he was bloody brilliant at it last year! C’mon Hugh please say yes!
Now back to Adam Shankman, he is starting to bug me. I used to like him and I was happy when he was offered the third Judging spot on So You Think You Can Dance, but between this story and his first appearance as a full-tiime Judge on SYTYCD I think he is overexposed and annoying. I didn’t really like the new judging threesome on SYTYCD and so far I am not liking the new Oscar producers either. Prove me wrong Adam and pick a good name to host the show and put on a descent Oscars because at this point I might have a Sunday night free in March that should’ve been dedicated to The Academy Awards.

UPDATE: The Oscar hosts are Complicated! Well at least the DVD for the movie that Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin will be promoting when they host The Academy Awards is called It’s Complicated. The stars of the film that comes out on Christmas Day were asked to host the Oscars together and unlike Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr and Hugh Jackman they said yes. I don’t know how I feel about this because I was thoroughly unimpressed with Steve Martin when he had the title last time he did it and I have yet to see Alec Baldwin hosting anything to know if he will be any good. Well Saturday Night Live will probably disagree with me because the two of them are fighting for the title most times hosting the show that Steve is currently winning. I wonder if they will both go up a notch because SNL will have them host one more time before they do the Oscars just to test out the waters.
I wonder if this means that It’s Complicated will get the pair nominations for their movies because without the movie coming out on Christmas it almost seems like one of them will def get a nom for it. But how can you nominate one host without the other? Afterall that is what the Emmys does with the presenters on the day of noms, whomever presents gets a nom.
So what do you think of Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin hosting the Oscars?

: So it just me hit, what will they do if their movie bombs? Is that a sign that the movie goers, that the MPAA ignores, don’t like their choice for the Oscars hosts? Plus will the two be man enough to make fun of their latest box office failure. Sorry Meryl Streep I hate to put you in that mix, but the MPAA left me no other choice.


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