Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sometimes homeless people are more honest than people with homes!
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[ # ] Sometimes homeless people are more honest than people with homes!
January 27th, 2016 under Admirable People

Josh Paler Lin has done some hidden camera experiments to see how people react to different scenarios. His most famous video is when he gave a homeless man $100 to see what he would do with the money. When he filmed him entering a liquor store, everyone assumed the worst. In reality, the guy spent the money to buy sandwiches for other people who were in his same situation.
Lin recently decided to test out people’s honesty in his latest quest. He did this by making up fake lottery tickets that would make it look like he won $25,000 or $50,000. Then as he was walking away, he accidentally drops the winning ticket to see what they would do. Almost everyone picked it up and either kept it and lied to him, ran away with it and one guy even drove away with it before he confront him. But there were two women who returned the ticket to him and both of them were homeless. As a reward for their honesty, he gave them some money to do with what they want. The second lady said she was going to use it to buy food.
So the next time you look at a homeless person in the street, don’t think the worst of them. They might be a better human being than the perfectly dressed person standing next to you.
Seriously, doesn’t this just make you think of things a whole lot differently?


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