Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pickler and Ben gets taken over by 2 baby otters!!!
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[ # ] Pickler and Ben gets taken over by 2 baby otters!!!
February 20th, 2019 under Animals, Kellie Pickler

You know how on most talk shows when a guest brings any animals on, they don’t let the creatures roam around. Pickler and Ben is unlike all the others. Today, Kellie Pickler and Ben Aaron welcomed 2 Asian small-clawed otters on to the show and within seconds Ping and Pong took over the set.

Pickler and Animal expert Grant Kemmerer were holding the squeaky brothers for the introduction and then they decided to put them in the little pool the show set up for them. I guess they were not interested in it because they jumped down and started running all over the set. They went under the couch, over to the camera to get a closeup, back to the pool and anywhere else they wanted to go.

The only place they did not go was into the audience. Which is smart of their part because if they did, I am sure someone would have taken them home. Who wouldn’t? They are so cute, they make me want to trade in my cat for one of them.

Seriously, they are otterly awwwwdorable, I think the 6-month olds should replace Pickler and Ben on the morning show. No offense to the CMT hosts, but I could watch them for hours and hours. Seriously, aren’t you in love with them too? Those faces are just so sweet.


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