Seriously? OMG! WTF? » OMG Mariah Carey is pregnant, I had no idea!
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[ # ] OMG Mariah Carey is pregnant, I had no idea!
October 28th, 2010 under Mariah Carey

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Mariah Carey was on the Today Show with her husband today and the happily married couple confirmed that she is pregnant with her first child. She was elated to say, “yes we are pregnant, this is true!” and added “It’s been a long journey, but it’s been tough because I’ve been trying to have…. to hold onto a shred of privacy. And that was not easy.” She then let them know that she is due inthe spring, she will not find out what the baby is until it comes out and that they conceived the baby naturally.
Is anyone surprised that she is pregnant? Actually I am surprised she isn’t as far along as I thought she was because I thought she was going to have a Christmas baby by the looks of it. Guess all she will have this year is a Christmas album that will be born into record stores on Tuesday!


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