Seriously? OMG! WTF? » John Stamos’ embarrassing sex story!!!
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[ # ] John Stamos’ embarrassing sex story!!!
July 21st, 2011 under Full House, Jimmy Kimmel, John Stamos

(starts at 2:55 in)

John Stamos was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and told the host an embarrassing sex story. The Full House star is taking singing lessons and his teacher has been giving him exercises to do at home with his mouth to prepare for class. Well he was getting hot and heavy with a date, listening to the sexy music on his iPod when one of the instructions came on at the wrong moment. He was “rounding third base”, when all of a sudden the couple that was in a passionate foreplay moment heard, “Open your mouth wide…Stick your tongue all the way out.” Talk about a moment killer. But if I were in the same position with Uncle Jesse, there would be nothing, I do mean nothing, that would stop us from getting to home base!!! Even with instructions, I would be his study partner on all of his assignments. I would be willing to make all of his homework fun so he can be the Teacher’s Pet in class and mine at home!!!


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