Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Joe Jonas is a member of the I shit in my pants on stage club
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[ # ] Joe Jonas is a member of the I shit in my pants on stage club
July 14th, 2023 under Jonas Brothers

Joe Jonas recently did an interview with Will & Woody, and he didn’t give two shits what he told them. So he shared with them the time he shit in his pants during a concert.

The radio hosts asked him to tell a story he hasn’t told before, and what a tale he shared with them.

The singer said, “I was with a few friends yesterday, and we were just talking about there is a point in your life where, as an adult, you can remember the last time you shit your pants.”

When was the last time for him? It was four years ago, and he was playing with his brothers on stage. What he thought was a fart, turned out to be a shart.

And if that was not bad enough, he was also wearing white pants when it happened. So he ran and did a costume change, hoping no one would notice. And since this is the first we are hearing of it. No one did.

However, he says he is not alone, “It has happened to many artists. I feel like I paid my dues. I am part of some secret club now.”

A club that also almost included Kelly Clarkson, not once but twice.

Oh, and the thing I find interesting is that he didn’t learn his lesson from the experience. He and his brothers, Nick and Kevin, still white pants during their concerts. You would think after that; they would only wear brown or black. But I guess they are three brave men wearing white after Labor Day!


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