Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel got a visit from the Queen of Christmas in his bedroom
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel got a visit from the Queen of Christmas in his bedroom
November 3rd, 2023 under Jimmy Kimmel, Mariah Carey

Jimmy Kimmel got a wake-up call in the middle of the night this week. It was not on the phone. Instead, it was in person, and that person was Mariah Carey.

The singer wanted him to know that it is Christmastime. So, just like Santa Claus, she came into his house in the middle of the night. But unlike Old Saint Nick, she only gave him one present, and that present was her singing her Christmas Carol, All I Want for Christmas Is You.

Some might say this is a dream come true. But others would say this is a nightmare. And I think that Kimmel would go with the latter.

Would you want Mariah to visit you in your bedroom, singing her holiday tune? I would rather get a visit from the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.


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