Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jean-Claude Van Damme gets handsy with Conan O’Brien’s butt!
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[ # ] Jean-Claude Van Damme gets handsy with Conan O’Brien’s butt!
February 6th, 2019 under Conan O'Brien, Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme was on Conan yesterday, and O’Brien’s staff told the martial arts actor something about their boss before he went on the air. They revealed to him that O’Brien has a mental issue about his lack of a butt.

Before they started the interview, Van Damme brought that little tidbit up and said that Conan has a nice bum. That is when the TBS host stood up and let his guest feel his assets. Which he did, but Conan stayed a little too long.

Then when the show and feel was done, Van Damme gave us all tips on how to strengthen our tushes. Lie down on the ground, contract your butt cheeks for three seconds, release for two and repeat 30 times. If you do it properly, then you will not be able to walk the next day. Who cares about that because no one who is walking behind you will be able to look up at the back of your head. If you catch my drift and not my fart.

I can say that because you stopped reading after I told you the secret to having nice buttocks.


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