Seriously? OMG! WTF? » James Van Der Beek’s butt talk is too much for Conan!
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[ # ] James Van Der Beek’s butt talk is too much for Conan!
September 14th, 2012 under Conan O'Brien, Dawsons Creek, James Van Der Beek

James Van Der Beek was on Conan yesterday and it was the first time he has been interviewed by Conan O’Brien for the first time in 14 years! He explained that it was because his douchieness peeked while he was on Conan’s show and he has been embarrassed ever since.
But that wasn’t the highlight of the TBS interview, it was when Dawson, Conan and Andy Richter started talking about their butts. The conversation got so hot that they actually set off the fire alarm and they had to cut their chat short. Sadly with all of that butt talk, not one time did any of them get up and shake their booty for us ladies who wanted to see just how fiery their a$$es are. According to the fire detectors they are smoky hot!
BTW James Van Der Beek definitely got a lot better looking with age!


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[ # 1261000 ] Comment from M [June 27, 2018, 9:14 pm]

Ladies? And whatcha gonna do with it with ya got it…tragic and so anticlimactic for all parties. .some things just don’t fit…”fat guy in a little coat”

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