Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Vanilla Ice trying to put his fans on ice, ice?
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[ # ] Is Vanilla Ice trying to put his fans on ice, ice?
June 25th, 2020 under Concerts/Tours, Coronavirus, Vanilla Ice

Vanilla Ice/Instagram

Ever since March live, in-person concerts have been canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. Live Nation found a safe way around the risk by making them a drive-in experience, with each car having three-9′ parking spaces to their own.

I thought that would be the wave of the future until it was safe to go to concerts again. I was wrong. Vanilla Ice announced yesterday that he will be playing a live gig in Austin, Texas, on July 3rd. Standing room only tickets are going for $25 and $40.

Standing room only during a deadly virus? WTF? Texas has seen a huge rise of people infected with COVID-19 in the last week. It is so bad that the governor told people to stay home. Not only that, in Houston, they are running out of beds in the ICU, so they are going to send adult patients to a children’s hospital. So I have to ask why is Rob Van Winkle risking his fans’ lives?

Yes, it would be nice to have live music again, but not at the risk of dying. Several people went to a comedy show in Nashville, Tennessee, over the weekend, and barely anyone wore masks. Then all of a sudden, D.L. Hughley collapsed on the stage and turns out he tested positive for coronavirus the next day. What if he accidentally infected some of his fans?

We want to go back to normal, but at what risk? Do you want to be responsible for unknowingly giving it to someone who dies from it? Wear a mask and be responsible. I spent a chunk of my life as an AIDS activist and telling people to wear condoms. Now, I am telling you to wear masks and be smart. Ask yourself, is going to a live concert worth your life, a loved one’s life, or a stranger’s life? I don’t think so. If you do, then I hope you meet someone who is more caring than you are when you need them. Maybe then you can learn from them before it is too late.

Rob, I haven’t spoken to you since I lived in Miami. I am begging you, please, cancel this show. It is not the right time, and I am hoping you don’t want to risk your fan’s lives. Be better than Sammy Hagar.


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[ # 1262457 ] Comment from raincoaster [June 25, 2020, 4:15 pm]

Going to a Vanilla Ice concert isn’t worth risking your life for, that’s for damn sure.

[ # 1262459 ] Comment from Madam Pince [June 25, 2020, 6:05 pm]

That concert is gonna be canceled because Greg Abbott if freaking out about the ‘rona covering Texas in ignomious glory.

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