Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I would like to thank the Academy for giving us a reason to skip the Oscars!
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[ # ] I would like to thank the Academy for giving us a reason to skip the Oscars!
October 1st, 2012 under Oscars, Seth MacFarlane

AMPAS announced today that Seth MacFarlane is going to host the Oscars and I am announcing that I will be skipping them! I mean I already hate the nominations because they are always a snoozefest that will be forgotten within days after the big ceremony. I dare you to name last year’s winner. See couldn’t do it.
But yet knowing that I have tuned in for the last few years just because I was curious about the hosts, yes even that sh!tastic year when Anne Hathaway and James Franco hosted. But I have already seen Seth MacFarlane at his best at the Roasts and he is not a draw to me. I don’t know, I have grown quite bored of the man who I used to really enjoy.
So I guess that February night when Hollywood honors the most boring movies of the year, I will be watching The Avengers on DVD and thinking how that movie and Joss Whedon were robbed.
And if Ted gets more noms than Avengers, then we know it was fixed for the host. Because let’s be real Ted was good but it went on way too long to be great.
BTW I am wondering how many people over 45 are going who is Seth MacFarlane? Probably most of them and that could really hurt the ratings and the Oscars have been suffering big time over the last few years because of that.
Finally I love how he predicted that he would be the perfect Oscar at the first roast he hosted for Comedy Central!

UPDATE: Seth MacFarlane‘s dad is as excited about his son hosting the Oscars as I am!


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