Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Harrison Ford can laugh and it is contagious!
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[ # ] Harrison Ford can laugh and it is contagious!
October 5th, 2017 under Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, This Morning

Harrison Ford has such a dry sense of humor that you never see him laugh. Well the other day when Ryan Gosling and him were being interviewed about Blade Runner 2049 by ITV’s This Morning’s Alison Hammond, she actually got him to laugh uncontrollably. Some of it was because she has the most infectious laugh, but also because they had no choice but drink some alcohol to get through it.

Seriously, it was nice to see Hans Solo laugh out loud like that. It is so contagious, I am still laughing with them. On that note, Ford needs to do a buddy comedy with Gosling. The two of them play off of each other so well, they need to make a hilarious movie. And they need to give Hammond a part in because even if the scene is not funny, you will still find yourself giggling with her!

Don’t you just adore this interview?


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