Seriously? OMG! WTF? » GMA’s interview with John Karr goes very badly
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[ # ] GMA’s interview with John Karr goes very badly
October 8th, 2006 under TV News, Unadmirable People

San Francisco police say they stopped a limo carrying John Karr after the one-time JonBenet Ramsey suspect was spotted wandering near a school and peering in a window! The AP reported this weekend: Police say the received a call from the Convent of the Sacred Heart school, where Karr worked briefly as a teacher’s aide in 2000. School employees told police the limo carrying Karr and two producers for ABC’s "Good Morning America," stopped near the school. Karr got out, strolled the sidewalk and approached the school’s door. Police say no laws were broken, but they did take the names of Karr and the producers.Karr was released from jail Thursday after Sonoma County authorities lost critical evidence in a five-year-old child pornography case against him and it was dismissed.
UPATE: ABC canceled the interview with Karr on Friday after he jumped out of the car at the school. "Our producers were quite disturbed by his behavior. No sweeps special. No interview."

Drudge Report 

What a sicko, he needs to be locked up.


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