Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Get Lost with Jimmy Kimmel Live after the finale
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[ # ] Get Lost with Jimmy Kimmel Live after the finale
April 2nd, 2010 under Jimmy Kimmel, Lost

On May 23rd after we hear that thump and see the word LOST come on the screen for the final time, tune into Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC where he will be talking to the cast the crew about the show that has made all of them household names and confused the sh!t out of us and them. According to Michael Ausiello they will talk about what the f*ck we just saw in those final 2 hours and maybe explain the ending that we possibly didn’t understand. If the ending is bad, Kimmel can go off on Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse for it. And if it is good he can praise them for it. More details will be announced as we getting closer to The End!
BTW as soon as I saw Ausiello’s posting, I put my request in to go see the show in person. But here is my conundrum…What if I don’t get to see the finale before the taping? Do I still go and have the ending ruined for me after I have invested way so much time and aspirin trying to figure it out. Or do I pray they show us the finale, watch it with a bunch of strangers and then hear the cast and crew talk about it? I don’t know what is more important, knowing how the show ends or hearing them talk about it in person. What to do?
Finally I hope security is tight that night, because I pity the executive producers if they end the show in a Sopranos type way. I would be afraid to see the Lost fan’s reaction to that…


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