Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Fringe and Bones are back on the case tonight!!!
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[ # ] Fringe and Bones are back on the case tonight!!!
April 1st, 2010 under Bones

Fringe and Bones are both back with new episodes tonight on Fox starting at 8p and you are not going to want to miss either show.
Tonight’s Fringe is called Peter and that is because we finally find out Peter’s secret. The show picks up shortly where it left off and Walter explains to Olivia why she saw a glow around Peter. The show is a flashback episode, so we see a young Peter and finally meet his mom and Walter’s wife. We also get to see Walter experimenting back in the ’80s and in his old lab before he was institutionalized. It is an extremely enlightening episode and I don’t want to spoil what happens because you won’t see any of it coming until it happens! The show sheds a lot of light between the relationship between Walter and Peter and we now know why he is so protective of his son. So tune at 8p to learn Peter’s back story because it is going to change the show from here on out!
At 9p Bones is back and Sweets will never be the same. Sweets take the subway into work and meets a teen who just found out he is cancer free. The teen tells Sweets now that he can finally live he is going to take advantage of life. Right after he says that an earthquake hits DC and the train is hit by water and the boy hits his head on a pole and dies. Sweets is shaken up about the boy’s death and the skeleton that came from the water and hit the train. Bones and Booth have to investigate the skeleton, while Sweets has to adjust his new outlook on life. He will do something at the end of the episode that will leave you in tears. Bones meanwhile is being interviewed by a Japanese reporter about her book and all the reporter cares about is the steamy parts of the books. A secret about Bones’ books will be revealed and you will have to watch the show at 9p to find out what it is and why it will cost her dearly.


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