Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dolly Parton reveals what she does to maintain her beautiful looks
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[ # ] Dolly Parton reveals what she does to maintain her beautiful looks
November 16th, 2023 under Dolly Parton, Howard Stern, Kenny Rogers

Dolly Parton is not shy, so she openly admits that she has gotten plastic surgery done. So when she was on Howard Stern’s radio show, he asked her how she stays looking so beautiful at 77 years young.

Her secret is going to the best doctors and doing it in moderation. For example, now she gets Botox and fillers to maintain her beauty, but only when she needs them.

Why? Because you never know how you are going to heal. Her good friend Kenny Rogers got a facelift, and to be honest, it messed up his face. She said he went to good doctors, but it just wasn’t right for his face. Although, as he got older, his skin loosened, and it looked more natural.

Miss Dolly even joked with her late friend and duet partner about it. She said she told him, “Kenny, I’m glad I lived long enough to see you grow into your facelift.”

Even though she jokes about it, she does worry every time she gets something done that, she will come out of it looking fine.

So far, so great!


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