Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dolly Parton gets her million dollar shot
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[ # ] Dolly Parton gets her million dollar shot
March 3rd, 2021 under Coronavirus, Dolly Parton

In case you haven’t heard, Dolly Parton gave Vanderbilt University $1 million in order to find a vaccine for COVID-19. It worked, and they came up with the Moderna Vaccine.

As a present, they gave her the vaccine for free today. Don’t tell her that everyone is getting it for free.

Now that the legend got the shot, we don’t have to worry about losing her to the virus. Hopefully, others will follow her example and get the shot, when it is available to them, too. Please get it when you can.

BTW I will never understand why they didn’t name the vaccine after Miss Dolly. If they did, then people would be lined up to get it. Heck, I would be on line. Actually, I already am on line because I am not throwing away my shot.


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