Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Do Brad Pitt and Ben Still have something to tell us?
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[ # ] Do Brad Pitt and Ben Still have something to tell us?
November 4th, 2010 under Ben Stiller, Brangelina, Do they have something to tell us?

Brad Pitt and Ben Stiller met up at the premiere of their animated movie Megamind and by the way they are looking into each others eyes I have to wonder if they have something to us? I can get why Zoolander is looking at Benjamin Button so lovingly, I mean afterall he is Brad Pitt and he is dating Angelina Jolie. All Stiller has is a box of Just For Men in bathroom and his wife is Marsha Brady from the movies. So now we know why the Focker is looking at the Basterd like that, but why the other way around? Maybe because Brad is thinking even though he does sh!tty unfunny movies, they still do really well at the box office for some reason and he is considering doing one because he is realizing that putting six kids through college is not going to be cheap.


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