Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Demi Lovato reveals she had a crush on Barney
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[ # ] Demi Lovato reveals she had a crush on Barney
September 13th, 2023 under Demi Lovato, Howard Stern

We know that Demi Lovato starred on Barney with Selena Gomez. But did you know she had a crush on him?

The actress revealed that fact on The Howard Stern Show on Monday. The Shock Jock wanted to know if the man behind the suit was an asshole, and she told him, “He was so nice.” Then she added, “He was really attractive.”

She explained that the actor was really muscular because the suit weighed around 70 lbs. So not only was he ripped, but he also has a good-looking face. So, because of all of that, she had a crush on him.

And the singer is not lying. Have you ever seen David Joyner? Not only is he all of the things that she mentioned, but he also has a sweet smile that makes you want to make him smile!


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