Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Curtis Armstrong ruins an iconic Revenge of the Nerds moment!
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[ # ] Curtis Armstrong ruins an iconic Revenge of the Nerds moment!
May 5th, 2017 under 80s, Movies
Remember that belching contest that Booger won in Revenge of the Nerds, and you thought that Curtis Armstrong was the greatest burper of all time? Turns out it was all movie magic.

Alexandra Cruz asked him on Twitter if the burp was real, and he Tweeted back, “Burp wasn’t real. It’s a mix of a man belching and a camel achieving orgasm. Really. Try keeping that out of your mind next time u see it!” Is it wrong that I want to know how they captured the audio of a camel orgasming? Or maybe not. Or maybe yes?

What I do want to know is what other shocking reveals he will make in his memoir Revenge of the Nerd that is out in July. I wonder what other interesting stories he has from his days on the set of Risky Business, the Revenge of the Nerds franchise, Better Off Dead, One Crazy Summer, Moonlighting, Supernatural and many more.


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