Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Conan O’Brien finally broke Jordan Schlansky!!!
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[ # ] Conan O’Brien finally broke Jordan Schlansky!!!
November 30th, 2018 under Conan O'Brien, Ralph Macchio

Conan O’Brien made like an Alphaville song and was Big in Japan. Like his previous trips, he brought know-it-all Jordan Schlanksy with him. This time they sat down at a restaurant and talked about why the PA is so obsessed with the country.

Schlansky told his boss that he fell in love with Japan after watching Karate Kid 2. He spewed out that the fact that film starring Ralph Mahk-e-o was filmed entirely in Okinawa. He was proud he knew all of that information.

But then…Conan took out his phone and told his employee to press play. It was a video of Ralph Ma-chi-o telling him that movie was actually filmed in Hawaii. After the actor said “sayonara”, you can actually see Schlansky tear up as he found out a big part of his childhood was a fraud. Which has me and Conan laughing until it hurts!

I mean a simple IMDB search will tell you where the feature was filmed and was not Japan.

Finally, How I Met Your Mother was so right, Daniel-san was the real villain in the franchise.


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