Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Christina Aguilera shows off her baby bump!
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[ # ] Christina Aguilera shows off her baby bump!
November 28th, 2007 under Christina Aguilera

Even posing nude while being very pregnant Christina Aguilera looks amazing. I bet that Marie Claire barely had to air brush her for their January 2008 magazine. 
If you are like me and wondered why she kept her pregnancy a secret here is what she told the magazine:
Aguilera talks about her simple decision not to announce her pregnancy. Somehow it figures that the criminally uncircumspect Paris Hilton would be the one to spill the beans, at an MTV Video Music Awards party. [When asked] if Hilton's faux pas angered her, she shrugs it off. "Because I hadn't said anything, people thought I was trying to keep it this big, bad secret, and that's not the case at all. I just wasn't commenting. I'm not being like, 'Hey, everybody, I'm pregnant!' I'm not that girl."
Now if only other stars would follow her example..oh wait they are!

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