Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Chris Pratt is worse at babysitting than stripping
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[ # ] Chris Pratt is worse at babysitting than stripping
November 22nd, 2013 under Chris Pratt, Jimmy Kimmel

Chris Pratt was on Jimmy Kimmel Live and the ABC late night host asked him if he had experience dealing with kids before he shot Delivery Man. The Everwood star admitted he once was a babysitter and let’s say he was better off at stripping. That is because while he was taking a nap one of the kids put the other one in the oven. It gets worse because the boy was eating soil out of a potted plant in the stove and his sister had turned on the burners. Luckily they were both OK.
And to think he has a kid. Actually I bet you a penny he is a really great dad!


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