William Shatner/Instagram
William Shatner did an interview with Variety, and the headline read “‘I Don’t Have Long to Live’.”
That quote was part of this answer: “I’ve turned down a lot of offers to do documentaries before. But I don’t have long to live. Whether I keel over as I’m speaking to you or 10 years from now, my time is limited, so that’s very much a factor. I’ve got grandchildren. This documentary is a way of reaching out after I die.”
Since he is 91 years old, his time is more limited than most, but how limited is it?
He took to social media to respond to the headline that went as far as to go where no man has gone before. “Reports of my pending demise have been greatly exaggerated (by the clickbait press😤.) All I meant was that I’m not going to live forever (☝🏻though I am going to make a valiant attempt!) & the documentary I did is for future generations & descendants to know a bit about me.🙄
“…However, should you want to believe the ‘clickbait press’, please 🙏🏻come & buy tickets to my final performances over the next few days (WilliamShatnerTour.com) & come to @sxsw to see the premiere of ‘You Can Call Me Bill’ because…you never know! 😝👉🏻🪦🤷🏼”
So there you have it. The Shat is going nowhere as far as he knows.