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Uwe Boll says goodbye to Hollywood in his own special way!
June 8th, 2015 under Uwe Boll. [ Comments: none ]
It’s been a while since Uwe Boll went on one of his epic rants, but that drought has ended. Yesterday, he took to YouTube to bash Hollywood and its biggest stars because his Kickstarter campaign for Rampage 3: No Mercy hasn’t even reached the halfway mark of its goal. So instead of begging his fans (which I didn’t know he had) for their money to make his latest crapfest, he instead went off on George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr and Jennifer Lopez. I can’t say I completely disagree with him, but I just can’t support him either. It’s because of hideous movies I stopped watching anything Michael Pare does because Boll’s movie leave that bad of taste in your mouth. Believe me, I love watching horrorible movies, but Bolls are just horrible.
So when it comes to him saying goodbye to Hollywood, all I have to say is good riddance!


Save your money, don’t fund Uwe Boll’s next film.
February 16th, 2009 under Uwe Boll. [ Comments: 1 ]

Uwe Boll is asking his fans (he actually has them) to fund his next dud, I mean movie Blackout. For $49 you get a free DVD and a chance to be entered in a raffle to go to one of the filming locations. Which sounds like that costs more than than he is getting.
I would be shocked if he raises the $18,500,000 from his fans. Heck I would be shocked if he raised $185 from his fans. Seriously why he making films with that high of a budget? He should be making them for a 10th of that because his movies are so cheap and even that is too much money.
So I say instead of sending him $49 for his next Razzie movie, save $24 dollars and become a Razzie member where you can vote it Worst Film of the Year!


Uwe Boll accepts Michael Bay’s offer
May 1st, 2008 under Uwe Boll. [ Comments: none ]

Uwe Boll accepted Michael Bay’s offer to Uwe Boll’s offer to fight him. I guess something got lost in translation, because Michael Bay declined his offer on his message board.
I wonder what Michael Bay will have to say to this. But looks like Uwe Boll is already moving forward with fight by coming with a poster for their fight to air on HBO/PayPerView on Thursday, October 30th.


Michael Bay responds to Uwe Boll’s challenge
April 30th, 2008 under Eli Roth, Uwe Boll. [ Comments: none ]

Can we stop talking about this guy! I never even heard his name till last week when he made threats and rants. The guy is a fucking idiot, making threats to me, Clooney, Eli Roth, says he has a doctorate – but uses the word "retard" in his vocabulary, come on. When you look at his videos, what is interesting are the backgrounds. I guess his low rent offices, with 15 year old 3/4 machines, archaic computers, this is just some dumb chump trying to get some fame when he has none, so he has to make Youtube lame quality anger rants. Guy just want attention because he can't get any for the so called movies he makes. Nothing sadder when he had his screening in LA to an over half empty movie house.

He is a troubled soul – let's just waste time on talking about him please.


I am kind of bummed that the Michael Bay and Uwe Boll will not be going at it because looks like Michael Bay would have really kicked his a$$! Now that Michael Bay has said no, I wonder if Uwe will challenge Eli Roth to a fight because I want to see Eli show him who is boss!
BTW hats off to Michael Bay on his response, I finally liked something he did!!!

Uwe Boll challenges Michael Bay to fight
April 25th, 2008 under Uwe Boll. [ Comments: 2 ]


Uwe Boll is declaring war against Michael Bay, well maybe not war but he is challenging him to a pay-per-view fight. Uwe Boll is using fighting words on MovieSet towards Michael Bay and now I can’t wait to see if Michael Bay takes him up on his offer.

He said that he doesn’t care about me and this was very insulting because I care about him and I think that with the money he has for his movies, he sucks big time. I think it’s time to meet in the ring actually.

If he does, it will be the first time in a long time I would be willing to pay to see something these guys do!
UPDATE: Here is Uwe Boll challenging Michael Bay to a smackdown:


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