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Heavy D wants his blood money back
October 31st, 2006 under Lawsuits, Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]

Rapper Heavy D has sued his former insurance company for $1.5 million he says it owes him after the fatal stampede at a 1991 City College celebrity basketball event. The rapper, whose real name is Dwight Myers, had helped organize the event, and has since paid out $791,899 to settle lawsuits, court papers say. He’s suing for that, plus interest and legal fees, claiming that his $1 million insurance policy should have indemnified him. Nine students were crushed to death after 5,000 young people showed up at a gym capable of holding only half that number.

NY Post

What took him so long to file the lawsuit? For those of you who do not what happened back in 1991, you can read about it in this VH1 article


Which is more offensive making fun of the way Steve Irwin died…Bill Maher or South Park?
October 29th, 2006 under Better than..., Comedy Central, South Park, Steve Irwin, Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]

Andrew Sullivan (Bill Maher) and Daily Mail (South Park) 

I have to go with Bill Maher is more offensive on this one because at least South Park admitted it was wrong…Bill Maher never would.  


OMG! South Park made fun of the late Steve Irwin!
October 27th, 2006 under Comedy Central, South Park, Steve Irwin, Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]

This is so wrong, but they kind of acknowledged it was wrong.


Vincent Gallo is just so creepy
October 25th, 2006 under Unadmirable People. [ Comments: 1 ]

Gallo laughs off underage love Click to enlarge photo Actor/director Vincent Gallo has laughed off reports he’s dating an underage girl insisting it’s his "humanitarian duty" to befriend the sexy teen. The Brown Bunny star, 45, has been romantically linked to Los Angeles socialite Cory Kennedy, with the 16-year-old boasting of their close relationship on her internet blog. In it she hails Gallo as a "keeper" and posts photos of the pair together. However, the actor insists their relationship isn’t sexual and jokes he’s merely following new mum Madonna’s example by looking after the teen. He tells, "With the psychotic, middle-aged Madonna out there on the loose buying up all the stolen Negro babies in Africa, I felt it my social and humanitarian duty to take in any young, beautiful and sexy orphaned Jew teens running wild in Beverly Hills. "Cory’s a great kid, and I’m proud to be her daddy."


You know he is dating her and just doesn’t want his career ruined? Wait does he have a career?


If this is true…I have lost all respect for Molly Shannon
October 24th, 2006 under Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]

Molly Shannon, so beloved from "Saturday Night Live," really wanted a part in Sofia Coppola’s "Marie Antoinette." The problem was that the movie was due to commence shooting at exactly the same time Shannon was supposed to give birth to her second child in March 2005. What to do? Shannon, appearing at the Hamptons International Film Festival last weekend, explained her dilemma to one of our spies. Apparently she asked her doctor to induce labor, thereby having her son, Nolan, two weeks early. She made the start of "Marie Antoinette," and is now on screen playing the teen queen’s auntie. It doesn’t sound that great for Nolan, but the baby did get a part out of it himself. He appears with Molly in a new feature called "Shut Up and Sing," which unfortunately shares a title with the Dixie Chicks documentary that opens this Friday. Shannon has three more films coming in 2007, including a role in "Evan Almighty," now thought to be the most expensive comedy ever made. Luckily, none of them required a surgical procedure.


It is nice to know what her priorities are…acting is more important than the life of her baby. Yes a baby has a good chance of being ok being born two weeks early, but why the f()ck risk it, for a role? So sad.


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